What are the main points of pressure control in plastic injection molding

The pressure of the injection molding process includes plasticizing pressure and injection pressure, which directly affects the plasticization of plastics and the quality of products or services.

1. Plasticizing strain: (back pressure) Each time an additional injection unit is used, the strain on the top of the screw when the screw is retracted is called plasticizing tension, usually called back tension. The overflow control device in the hydraulic process can change how much this strain is. During the injection process, the actual size of the plasticizing strain does not change with the rotation speed in the attachment. The greater the plasticizing stress, the higher the temperature of dissolution, but the speed of plasticizing may decrease. In addition, increasing the plasticizing stress can keep the heat of dissolution consistent, the mixing of pigments and the emission of gases produced by combustion. In general operation, under the premise of ensuring product quality, the plasticizing tension you choose should be as small as possible. The specific importance varies with the specific type of plastic used, but it is generally rarely higher than 20㎏/c㎡.

2. Injection tension: In current manufacturing, the injection strain of almost all injection models is based on the strain (converted from gas stress) applied to the plastic through the top of the plunger or connector, which is common. The position of the injection strain in injection molding is to overcome the flow resistance of the plastic mold from the barrel to the cavity, provide the molten fabric with a speed to fill the mold and shrink the molten material.

Injection tension is divided into injection tension and positioning strain, usually 1~4 injection stress + 1~3 positioning strain, usually keep the tension under the injection tension, and obtain the maximum actual physical performance according to the changes of the actual molding material. Appearance and size specifications.


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